Numerical validation of the Complex Swift-Hohenberg equation for lasers
Numerical verification of universality for the Anderson transition
Numerical-Diagonalization Study of Spin Gap Issue of the Kagome Lattice Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
Numerically exact and approximate determination of energy eigenvalues for antiferromagnetic molecules using irreducible tensor operators and general point-group symmetries
Numerically exact Green functions from Hirsch-Fye quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Numerically Exact Long Time Behavior of Nonequilibrium Quantum Impurity Models
Numerically exact path integral simulation of nonequilibrium quantum transport and dissipation
Numerically exact, time-dependent treatment of vibrationally coupled electron transport in single-molecule junctions
Numerically implemented perturbation method for the nonlinear magnetic moment of an anisotropic superconductor
Numerically improved computational scheme for the optical conductivity tensor in layered systems
Nutation versus angular dependent NQR spectroscopy and the impact of underdoping on charge inhomogeneities in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$
Nutational Two-Dimensional Structures in Magnets
Nutations of spin in the quasi-isotropic superfluid A-like phase of 3He
Nuts and Bolts of the Ion Band State Theory
NVU dynamics. I. Geodesic motion on the constant-potential-energy hypersurface
NVU dynamics. II. Comparing to four other dynamics