N-tree approximation for the largest Lyapunov exponent of a coupled-map lattice
N=1 Supersymmetric Spin-Charge Separation in effective gauge theories of planar magnetic superconductors
Na atomic order, Co charge disproportionation and magnetism in Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ for large Na contents
Na content dependence of superconductivity and the spin correlations in Na_{x}CoO_{2}\cdot 1.3H_{2}O
Na Induced Correlations in Na$_x$CoO$_2$
Na ordering imprints a metallic kagome lattice onto the Co planes of Na2/3CoO2
Na$_x$CoO$_2$ in the x -> 0 Regime: Coupling of Structure and Correlation effects
Na-Au intermetallic compounds formed under high pressure at room temperature
Na-site substitution effects of the thermoelectric properties of NaCo_2O_4
Na2IrO3 as a spin-orbit-assisted antiferromagnetic insulator with a 350 meV gap
Na2V3O7, a frustrated nanotubular system with spin-1/2 diamond rings
Na4Ir3O8 as a 3D spin liquid with fermionic spinons
NaAlSi: a self-doped semimetallic superconductor with free electrons and covalent holes
NaCl nanodroplet on NaCl(100) at the melting point
Nagaoka ferromagnetism in large-spin systems -Fermion and Boson systems--
Nagaoka ferromagnetism in the two-dimensional infinite-U Hubbard model
Nagaoka State and Degeneracy in the U=infinity Hubbard Model
Nagel scaling and relaxation in the kinetic Ising model on a n-isotopic chain
Nagel scaling, relaxation and universality in the kinetic Ising model in an alternating isotopic chain
NaI:Tl response to relativistic Ne, Ar, and Fe ions