Simulations of Disordered Bosons on Hyper-Cubic Lattices
Simulations of magnetic and magnetoelastic properties of Tb2Ti2O7 in paramagnetic phase
Simulations of pure and doped low-dimensional spin-1/2 gapped systems
Simulations of the dynamic switching of vortex chirality in magnetic nanodisks by a uniform field pulse
Simultaneous Charge Ordering and Spin Dimerization in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Quarter-Filled Ladders
Simultaneous dimerization and SU(4) symmetry breaking of 4-color fermions on the square lattice
Simultaneous electric and magnetic field induced nonvolatile memory
Simultaneous ferromagnetic metal-semiconductor transition in electron-doped EuO
Simultaneous measurement of circular dichroism and Faraday rotation at terahertz frequencies using heterodyne detection
Simultaneously optimizing the interdependent thermoelectric parameters in Ce(Ni$_{1-x}$Cu$_x$)$_2$Al$_3$
Sine-Gordon low-energy effective theory for Copper Benzoate
Sine-Gordon Model - Renormalization Group Solutions and Applications
Single and Many Particle Correlation Functions and Uniform Phase Bases for Strongly Correlated Systems
Single bipolaronic Transition in Jahn-Teller Model
Single Crystal 31P NMR Studies of the Frustrated Square Lattice Compound Pb2(VO)(PO4)2
Single crystal growth and anisotropy of CeRuPO
Single Crystal Growth of Skutterudite CoP3 under High Pressure
Single crystal growth of YbRh2Si2 and YbIr2Si2
Single Crystal Growth, Crystallography, Magnetic Susceptibility, Heat Capacity, and Thermal Expansion of the Antiferromagnetic S = 1 Chain Compound CaV2O4
Single crystal structural study of the charge ordered phase of Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3: electronic localization beyond the atomic level