Q1D organic metals - a theoretical determination of the electrical conductivity
Q1D organic metals:the electronic contribution to the equation of state
QC-DMRG study of the ionic--neutral curve crossing of LiF
Quadratic Magnetoelectric Effect and Magnetic Field Induced Pyroelectric Effect in Multiferroic BaMnF4
Quadratic operators used in deducing exact ground states for correlated systems: ferromagnetism at half filling provided by a dispersive band
Quadrupolar correlations and spin freezing in S = 1 triangular lattice antiferromagnets
Quadrupolar effect and rattling motion in heavy fermion superconductor PrOs_4Sb_{12}
Quadrupolar Frustration in Shastry-Sutherland Lattice of DyB4 Studied by Resonant X-ray Scattering
Quadrupolar interactions in heavy fermion metal YbRh2Si2
Quadrupolar interactions in Pr compounds: PrFe4P12 and PrBa2Cu3O6
Quadrupolar Kondo Effect in Non-Kramers Doublet System PrInAg2
Quadrupolar Order and Structural Phase Transition in DyB4 with Geometrical Frustration
Quantal phases, disorder effects and superconductivity in spin-Peierls systems
Quantification of correlations in quantum many-particle systems
Quantification of Entanglement from Magnetic Susceptibility for a Heisenberg Spin 1/2 system
Quantifying structural damage from self-irradiation in a plutonium superconductor
Quantitative analysis of Sr2RuO4 ARPES spectra: Many-body interactions in a model Fermi liquid
Quantitative Analysis of the Disorder Broadening and the Intrinsic Gap for the $ν=5/2$ Fractional Quantum Hall State
Quantitative Aspects of the Dynamical CPA in Harmonic Approximation
Quantitative aspects of the dynamical impurity approach