X-Band ESR Determination of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction in 2D SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$ System
X-boson cumulant approach to the periodic Anderson model
X-ray absorption and x-ray magnetic dichroism study on Ca3CoRhO6 and Ca3FeRhO6
X-ray absorption near-edge spectra of overdoped La_2-xSr_xCuO_4 high-T_c superconductors
X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) investigation of the electronic structure of superconducting FeSex single crystals
X-ray absorption spectroscopy on layered cobaltates Na_xCoO_2
X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of diluted magnetic semiconductors: Zn1-xMxSe (M = Mn, Fe, Co) and Zn1-xMnxY (Y = Se, Te)
X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of coupled structural phase transitions in DyBaCo$_{2}$O$_{5.5}$
X-ray anomalous scattering investigations on the charge order in $α^\prime$-NaV$_2$O$_5$
X-ray Anomalous Scattering Study of a Charge-Ordered State in NaV2O5
X-ray edge problem of graphene
X-ray edge singularity in integrable lattice models of correlated electrons
X-ray edge singularity of bilayer graphene
X-ray induced electronic structure change in CuIr$_2$S$_4$
X-ray Investigation of the Magneto-elastic Instability of alpha'-NaV2O5
X-ray Irradiation-induced Carrier Doping Effects in Organic Dimer-Mott Insulators
X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Valence Fluctuating State in Eu at High Magnetic Fields
X-ray photoemission characterization of La_{0.67}(Ca_{x}Sr_{1-x})_{0.33}MnO_{3} films
X-ray photoemission spectroscopy of La(0.67)Ca(0.33)MnO(3) films
X-ray photoemission study of NiS_{2-x}Se_x (x = 0.0 - 1.2)