H - T phase diagram of YbCo2Si2 with H // [100]
H-T phase diagram of the metamagnetic transition in $URu_2Si_2$, measured in high d. c. magnetic fields
Haldane charge conjecture in one-dimensional multicomponent fermionic cold atoms
Haldane Gapped Spin Chains: Exact Low Temperature Expansions of Correlation Functions
Haldane Phases and Ferrimagnetic Phases with Spontaneous Translational Symmetry Breakdown in Distorted Mixed Diamond Chains with Spins 1 and 1/2
Haldane Sashes in Quantum Hall Spectra
Haldane Statistics in the Finite Size Entanglement Spectra of Laughlin States
Haldane's Instanton in 2D Heisenberg model revisited: along the Avenue of Topology
Haldane, Large-D and Intermediate-D States in an S=2 Quantum Spin Chain with On-Site and XXZ Anisotropies
Haldane-gap chains in a magnetic field
Haldane-gap excitations in the low-H_c 1-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet NDMAP
Haldane-Gapped Spin Chains as Luttinger Liquids: Correlation Functions at Finite Field
Half Metallic Response of Manganite Films at Room Temperature from Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Half Metallicity in Pr$_{0.75}$Sr$_{0.25}$MnO$_3$: A first Principle study
Half-filled Hubbard Model on a Bethe lattice with next-nearest neighbor hopping
Half-filled Hubbard ring with alternating site potentials in a magnetic field
Half-filled stripes in the t-t'-U Hubbard model
Half-magnetization plateau stabilized by structural distortion in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on a pyrochlore lattice
Half-magnetization plateaux in Cr spinels
Half-metallic antiferromagnets in double perovskites: LaAVRuO$_6$ (A=Ca, Sr, and Ba)