R-matrices for integrable $SU(2)\times U(1)$-symmetric S=1/2 spin-orbital chains
Radio frequency spectroscopy of a strongly imbalanced Feshbach-resonant Fermi gas
Radio Frequency Spectroscopy of Trapped Fermi Gases with Population Imbalance
Raman and infrared studies of La_1-ySr_yMn_1-xM_xO_3 (M=Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Sc or Ga): Oxygen disorder and local vibrational modes
Raman and Infrared-Active Phonons in Hexagonal HoMnO$_3$ Single Crystals: Magnetic Ordering Effects
Raman cross section of spin ladders
Raman evidence for Orbiton-Mediated Multiphonon Scattering in Multiferroic TbMnO$_3$
Raman resonance in spin S two-leg ladder systems
Raman Response in Antiferromagnetic Two-Leg S=1/2 Heisenberg Ladders
Raman Response of Magnetic Excitations in Cuprate Ladders and Planes
Raman Scattering cross section of Spin Ladders
Raman scattering due to a one-magnon excitation process in ${\rm MnV_2O_4}$
Raman scattering evidence for a cascade-like evolution of the charge-density-wave collective amplitude mode
Raman scattering for triangular lattices spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Raman Scattering from Frustrated Quantum Spin Chains
Raman Scattering from Magnetic Excitations in coupled Spin Ladders
Raman Scattering from Magnetic Excitations in the Spin Ladder Compounds CaV2O5 and MgV2O5
Raman scattering from phonons and magnons in RFe3)BO3)4
Raman scattering in a d-wave superconductor - a one gap scenario
Raman scattering in a Heisenberg {\boldmath $S=1/2$} antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice