A Gallavotti-Cohen Type Symmetry in the Large Deviation Functional for Stochastic Dynamics
A Gallavotti-Cohen-Evans-Morriss like symmetry for a class of Markov jump processes
A gapless charge mode induced by the boundary states in the half-filled Hubbard open-chain
A Gapless Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation in Dilute Gases at Finite Temperature
A Gauge Field Theory of Chirally Folded Homopolymers with Applications to Folded Proteins
A Gauge Invariant Dual Gonihedric 3D Ising Model
A gaussian model of the dynamics of an inextensible chain
A General Approach to the Investigation of Soft Materials by Statistical thermodynamics Formalism
A General Approach to the Modelling of Trophic Chains
A general approach to the sign problem - the factorization method with multiple observables
A general creation-annihilation model with absorbing states
A General Formalism for Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
A general geometric growth model for pseudofractal scale-free web
A general method to determine replica symmetry breaking transitions
A general model for collaboration networks
A General Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Equation and its Associated Entropy
A generalizad Fokker-Planck equation for the ratchet problem: Memory effects
A generalization of Clausius inequality for processes between nonequilibrium steady states in chemical reaction systems
A Generalization of Metropolis and Heat-Bath Sampling for Monte Carlo Simulations
A generalization of the central limit theorem consistent with nonextensive statistical mechanics