"Blue energy" from ion adsorption and electrode charging in sea- and river water
"Chaotic" kinetics, macroscopic fluctuations and long-term stability of the catalytic systems
"Cherenkov radiation" of a sound in a Bose-condensed gas
"Color-tripole ice" as a conceptual generalization of "spin ice"
"Configurational Free energy" : Direct free energy calculations in molecular systems
"Equilibrium" states of non equilibrium system
"Exact" Algorithm for Random-Bond Ising Models in 2D
"Fuzzy" stochastic resonance: robustness against noise tuning due to non Gaussian noises
"Go with the winners"-Simulations
"Lifshitz tails" and extended states in an Imaginary random potential
"Nonlinear" covariance matrix and portfolio theory for non-Gaussian multivariate distributions
"Quadratic solitons" in nonlinear dynamiical latticess
"Qualms" from Lavenda, cond-mat/0311270
"Quasi Universality classes" in 2D frustrated XY spin systems
"Screening" of universal van der Waals - Casimir terms by Coulomb gases in a fully-finite two-dimensional geometry
"Slimming" of power law tails by increasing market returns
"Spherical" 3-State Potts Spin Glass: Exact Solution
"Stochastic Modeling of Coercivity " - A Measure of Non-equilibrium State
"Thermometers" of Speculative Frenzy
$1/f$ noise and avalanche scaling in plastic deformation