Laplacian spectra of complex networks and random walks on them: Are scale-free architectures really important?
Large Amplitude Dynamics of the Pairing Correlations in a Unitary Fermi Gas
Large amplitude spin waves in ultra-cold gases
Large decrease of fluctuations for supercooled water in hydrophobic nanoconfinement
Large deviation approach to nonequilibrium systems
Large deviation function for entropy production in driven one-dimensional systems
Large Deviation Function of the Partially Asymmetric Exclusion Process
Large deviation techniques applied to systems with long-range interactions
Large deviations and ensembles of trajectories in stochastic models
Large deviations and nontrivial exponents in coarsening systems
Large deviations and portfolio optimization
Large deviations for a stochastic model of heat flow
Large deviations for the boundary driven symmetric simple exclusion process
Large deviations in boundary-driven systems: Numerical evaluation and effective large-scale behavior
Large deviations in rarefied quantum gases
Large Deviations in the Spherical Model: The Rate Functions
Large deviations in weakly interacting boundary driven lattice gases
Large deviations of ergodic counting processes: a statistical mechanics approach
Large Deviations of Extreme Eigenvalues of Random Matrices
Large deviations of heat flow in harmonic chains