Generalised interacting self-avoiding trails on the square lattice: phase diagram and critical behaviour
Generalised Kramers model
Generalised Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes
Generalised thermostatistics using hyperensembles
Generalization of escape rate from a metastable state driven by external cross-correlated noise processes
Generalization of Euler's Summation Formula to Path Integrals
Generalization of Gibbs Entropy and Thermodynamic Relation
Generalization of symmetric $α$-stable Lévy distributions for $q>1$
Generalization of the Beck-Cohen superstatistics
Generalization of the detailed fluctuation theorem for Non-Hamiltonian Dynamics
Generalization of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy: Logistic- and periodic-like maps at the chaos threshold
Generalization of the Lie-Trotter Product Formula for q-Exponential Operators
Generalization of the Maier-Saupe theory of the nematics within Tsa llis Thermostatistics
Generalization of the Mean-Field Ising Model Within Tsallis Thermostatistics
Generalization of the Peierls-Griffiths Theorem for the Ising Model on Graphs
Generalization of the Planck radiation law and application to the cosmic microwave background radiation
Generalization of the Second Law for a Nonequilibrium Initial State
Generalizations of the clustering coefficient to weighted complex networks
Generalized algebraic transformations and exactly solvable classical-quantum models
Generalized Arcsine Law and Stable Law in an Infinite Measure Dynamical System