Degree stability of a minimum spanning tree of price return and volatility
Degree-dependent intervertex separation in complex networks
Delay before synchronization and its role in latency of sensory awareness
Delay Estimation from noisy time series
Delay Induced Excitability
Delay-Controlled Reactions
Delayed dynamic triggering of earthquakes: Evidences from a statistical model of seismicity
Delayed feedback as a means of control of noise-induced motion
Delayed feedback induced directed inertia particle transport in a washboard potential
Delocalization and spin-wave dynamics in ferromagnetic chains with long-range correlated random exchange
Delocalization and spreading in a nonlinear Stark ladder
Delocalization and the semiclassical description of molecular rotation
Delocalization and wave-packet dynamics in one-dimensional diluted Anderson models
Delocalization effect on the relaxation of inhomogeneous gravitational systems
Delocalization Transition of a Rough Adsorption-Reaction Interface
Delocalization transition of a small number of particles in a box with periodic boundary conditions
Delta-Function Bose Gas Picture of S=1 Antiferromagnetic Quantum Spin Chains Near Critical Fields
Demagnetization via Nucleation of the Nonequilibrium Metastable Phase in a Model of Disorder
Demixing can occur in binary hard-sphere mixtures with negative non-additivity
Demixing in binary mixtures of hard hyperspheres