Defect Formation in Quench-Cooled Superfluid Phase Transition
Defect fugacity, Spinwave Stiffness and T_c of the 2-d Planar Rotor Model
Defect generation in a spin-1/2 transverse XY chain under repeated quenching of the transverse field
Defect Motion and Lattice Pinning Barrier in Josephson-Junction Ladders
Defect production due to quenching through a multicritical point
Defect production due to quenching through a multicritical point and along a gapless line
Defect Relaxation and Coarsening Exponents
Defect Statistics in the Two Dimensional Complex Ginsburg-Landau Model
Defect statistics in the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau model
Defect structures in nematic liquid crystals around charged particles
Defect turbulence and generalized statistical mechanics
Defect-induced incompatibility of elastic strains: dislocations within the Landau theory of martensitic phase transformations
Defect-unbinding transitions and inherent structures in two dimensions
Defects as a reason of continuity of normal-incommensurate phase transitions
Defects in Lamellar Diblock Copolymers: Chevron- and Omega-shaped Tilt Boundaries
Defensive alliances in spatial models of cyclical population interactions
Defining and identifying communities in networks
Defining statistical ensembles of random graphs
Definition and relevance of nonequilibrium intensive thermodynamic parameters
Deformation and Failure of Amorphous Solidlike Materials