Canonically invariant formulation of Langevin and Fokker-Planck Equations
Capillary Condensation in Cylindrical Pores: Monte Carlo Study of the Interplay of Surface and Finite Size Effects
Capillary ordering and layering transitions in two-dimensional hard-rod fluids
Capillary to bulk crossover of nonequilibrium fluctuations in the free diffusion of a near--critical binary liquid mixture
Capillary Waves at Liquid/Vapor Interfaces: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Capillary-wave models and the effective average action scheme of functional renormalization group
Capital flow in a two-component dynamical system
Capture of the Lamb: Diffusing Predators Seeking a Diffusing Prey
Capture-zone scaling in island nucleation: phenomenological theory of an example of universal fluctuation behavior
Car-oriented mean-field theory for traffic flow models
Carbon dioxide in silicate melts: A molecular dynamics simulation study
Cardy's Formula for some Dependent Percolation Models
Carnot in the Information Age: Discrete Symmetric Channels
Cascading Dynamics in Modular Networks
Casimir amplitudes and capillary condensation of near-critical fluids between parallel plates: Renormalized local functional theory
Casimir amplitudes in a quantum spherical model with long-range interaction
Casimir effect in the nonequilibrium steady-state of a quantum spin chain
Casimir Energy and Entropy in the Sphere--Sphere Geometry
Casimir force between two ideal-conductor walls revisited
Casimir force driven ratchets