BKT-like transition in the Potts model on an inhomogeneous annealed network
Black hole thermodynamics and time asymmetry
Black holes and everyday physics
Black holes, strings and polymers
Black-Scholes-Like Derivative Pricing With Tsallis Non-extensive Statistics
Blackbody radiation in a nonextensive scenario
Blind source separation in the presence of weak source
Bloch oscillations in one-dimensional spinor gas
Bloch-Redfield theory of high-temperature magnetic fluctuations in interacting spin systems
Bloch-Wall Phase Transition in the Spherical Model
Block persistence
Block scaling in the directed percolation universality class
Block Spins for Partial Differential Equations
Blocking temperature in magnetic nano-clusters
Blocks adjustment -- reduction of bias and variance of detrended fluctuation analysis using Monte Carlo simulation
Bluff your way in the second law of thermodynamics
Blume-Capel model on directed and undirected Small-World Voronoi-Delaunay random lattices
Blume-Emery-Griffiths Model in a Random Crystal Field
Blume-Emery-Griffiths model on the square lattice with repulsive biquadratic coupling
Bogoliubov Choh Uhlenbeck Theory: Cradle of Modern Kinetic Theory