Biased Percolation on Scale-free Networks
Biased Tracer Diffusion in Hard-Core Lattice Gases: Some Notes on the Validity of the Einstein Relation
Biaxial nematic phase in the Maier-Saupe model for a mixture of discs and cylinders
Bicomponents and the robustness of networks to failure
Biconical critical dynamics
Biconical structures in two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets
Bidimensional intermittent search processes: an alternative to Levy flights strategies
Bidirectional transport in a multispecies TASEP model
Bifurcation at the c=3/2 Takhtajan-Babujian point to the c=1 critical lines
Bifurcation in ground-state fidelity for a one-dimensional spin model with competing two-spin and three-spin interactions
Bifurcations and Patterns in Compromise Processes
Bifurcations Caused by the Diffusion-Induced Noise
Bifurcations of a driven granular system under gravity
Billion-atom Synchronous Parallel Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Critical 3D Ising Systems
Bimodal response in periodically driven diffusive systems
Bimodality and hysteresis in systems driven by confined Lévy flights
Binaries and core-ring structures in self-gravitating systems
Binary data corruption due to a Brownian agent
Binary data corruption due to a Brownian agent II: two dimensions, competing agents, and generalized couplings
Binary fluids under steady shear in three dimensions