Beyond the Death of Linear Response: 1/f optimal information transport
Beyond the Fokker-Planck equation: Pathwise control of noisy bistable systems
Beyond the Kolmogorov Johnson Mehl Avrami kinetics: inclusion of the spatial correlation
Beyond the linear Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem: the Role of Causality
Beyond the Thomas-Fermi approximation for a trapped condensed Bose-Einstein gas
Beyond the Thomas-Fermi Approximation for Nonlinear Dynamics of Trapped Bose-Condensed Gases
Beyond the Wigner Distribution: Schr{ö}dinger Equations and Terrace Width Distributions
Beyond the Zipf-Mandelbrot law in quantitative linguistics
BFACF-style algorithms for polygons in the body-centered and face-centered cubic lattices
Bhattacharyya statistical divergence of quantum observables
Bi-Composability and Generalized Entropy Composition with Different q Indices
Bi-Critical Central Point Of J FN -J SN Ising Model Phase Diagram
Bi-Laplacian Growth Patterns in Disordered Media
Bias Analysis in Entropy Estimation
Biased Brownian motion in extreme corrugated tubes
Biased diffusion in a one-dimensional adsorbed monolayer
Biased diffusion in a piecewise linear random potential
Biased diffusion in confined media: Test of the Fick-Jacobs approximation and validity criteria
Biased Diffusion with Correlated Noise
Biased Metropolis Sampling for Rugged Free Energy Landscapes