Bethe Approximation for a Semi-flexible Polymer Chain
Bethe approximation for a system of hard rigid rods: the random locally tree-like layered lattice
Bethe approximation for self-interacting lattice trees
Bethe approximation for the hydrogen-bonding self-avoiding walk in a solvent
Bethe Equation of $τ^{(2)}$-model and Eigenvalues of Finite-size Transfer Matrix of Chiral Potts Model with Alternating Rapidities
Bethe lattice solution of a model of SAW's with up to 3 monomers per site and no restriction
Bethe's equation is incomplete for the XXZ model at roots of unity
Bethe-Peierls Approximation for Linear Monodisperse Polymers Re-examined
Better be third then second in a search for a majority opinion
Better synchronizability predicted by a new coupling method
Better Synchronizability Predicted by Crossed Double Cycle
Betweenness centrality correlation in social networks
Beyond Blobs in Percolation Cluster Structure: The Distribution of 3-Blocks at the Percolation Threshold
Beyond Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics: Maximum entropy hyperensembles out-of-equilibrium
Beyond Cahn-Hilliard-Cook: Early time behavior of symmetry breaking phase transition kinetics
Beyond Fermi pseudopotential: a modified GP equation
Beyond Ito vs. Stratonovich
Beyond Mean-Field Theory for Attractive Bosons under Transverse Harmonic Confinement
Beyond quantum microcanonical statistics
Beyond the Boltzmann factor for corrections to scaling in ferromagnetic materials and critical fluids