Best linear forecast of volatility in financial time series
Bethe Ansatz and Classical Hirota Equation
Bethe ansatz and current distribution for the TASEP with particle-dependent hopping rates
Bethe Ansatz and Symmetry in Superintegrable Chiral Potts Model and Root-of-unity Six-vertex Model
Bethe Ansatz calculation of the spectral gap of the asymmetric exclusion process
Bethe Ansatz for 1D interacting anyons
Bethe Ansatz for the Weakly Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process and phase transition in the current distribution
Bethe Ansatz in the Bernoulli Matching Model of Random Sequence Alignment
Bethe Ansatz Matrix Elements as Non-Relativistic Limits of Form Factors of Quantum Field Theory
Bethe Ansatz Solution for a Defect Particle in the Asymmetric Exclusion Process
Bethe Ansatz solution of a decagonal rectangle triangle random tiling
Bethe ansatz solution of an integrable, non-Abelian anyon chain with D(D_3) symmetry
Bethe ansatz solution of discrete time stochastic processes with fully parallel update
Bethe Ansatz Solution of the Asymmetric Exclusion Process with Open Boundaries
Bethe Ansatz solution of the stochastic process with nonuniform stationary state
Bethe Ansatz solution of triangular trimers on the triangular lattice
Bethe ansatz solution of zero-range process with nonuniform stationary state
Bethe Ansatz Solutions and Excitation Gap of the Attractive Bose-Hubbard Model
Bethe Ansatz study of one-dimensional Bose and Fermi gases with periodic and hard wall boundary conditions
Bethe approximation for a DNA-like self-avoiding walk model with variable solvent quality