Boundary-induced abrupt transition in the symmetric exclusion process
Boundary-induced heterogeneous absorbing states
Boundary-induced nonequilibrium phase transition into an absorbing state
Boundary-induced phase transitions in a space-continuous traffic model with non-unique flow-density relation
Boundary-induced phase transitions in traffic flow
Bounday Condition histograms for modulated phases
Bounded confidence and Social networks
Bounded confidence model on a still growing scale-free network
Bounding and approximating parabolas for the spectrum of Heisenberg spin systems
Bounding dissipation in stochastic models
Bounding spectral gaps of Markov chains: a novel exact multi-decomposition technique
Bounding the coarse graining error in hidden Markov dynamics
Bounds for Fisher information and its production under flow
Bounds for the time to failure of hierarchical systems of fracture
Bounds of efficiency at maximum power for linear, superlinear and sublinear irreversible Carnot-like heat engines
Bounds of efficiency at maximum power for normal-, sub- and super-dissipative Carnot-like heat engines
Bounds of percolation thresholds in the enhanced binary tree
Bounds on the Complex Zeros of (Di)Chromatic Polynomials and Potts-Model Partition Functions
Boxed Plane Partitions as an Exactly Solvable Boson Model
Boxed Skew Plane Partition and Integrable Phase Model