Boundary critical behaviour at $m$-axial Lifshitz points: the special transition for the case of a surface plane parallel to the modulation axes
Boundary critical behaviour at m-axial Lifshitz points of semi-infinite systems with a surface plane perpendicular to a modulation axis
Boundary critical behaviour of two-dimensional random Ising models
Boundary critical behaviour of two-dimensional random Potts models
Boundary dependence of the coupling constant and the mass in the vector N-component $(λφ^{4})_{D}$ theory
Boundary Dissipation in a Driven Hard Disk System
Boundary driven zero-range processes in random media
Boundary effects in a random neighbor model of earthquakes
Boundary effects in reaction-diffusion processes
Boundary effects in superfluid films
Boundary Effects in the One Dimensional Coulomb Gas
Boundary field induced first order transition in the 2D Ising model: Exact study
Boundary field induced first-order transition in the 2D Ising model: numerical study
Boundary induced phase transitions in driven lattice gases with meta-stable states
Boundary layer variational principles: A case study
Boundary layers in stochastic thermodynamics
Boundary monomers in the dimer model
Boundary polarization in the six-vertex model
Boundary Spatiotemporal Correlations in a Self-Organized Critical Model of Punctuated Equilibrium
Boundary two-parameter eight-state supersymmetric fermion model and Bethe ansatz solution