Bosonic representation of one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets
Bosonic stimulation and the irreproducibility of condensate fragmentation
Bosonization, vicinal surfaces, and hydrodynamic fluctuation theory
Bosons and Environment
Bosons Confined in Optical Lattices: the Numerical Renormalization Group revisited
Bosons in optical lattices - from the Mott transition to the Tonks-Girardeau gas
Bosons with attractive interactions in a trap: Is the ground state fragmented ?
Bottleneck-induced transitions in a minimal model for intracellular transport
Bound particle coupled to two thermostats
Bound-state energy of the d=3 Ising model in the broken-symmetry phase: Suppressed finite-size corrections
Boundary and Bulk Phase Transitions in the Two Dimensional Q > 4 State Potts Model
Boundary and finite-size effects in small magnetic systems
Boundary conditions and amplitude ratios for finite-size corrections of a one-dimensional quantum spin model
Boundary conditions and the critical Casimir force on an Ising model film: exact results in one and two dimensions
Boundary conditions at a fluid - solid interface
Boundary conditions in local electrostatics algorithms
Boundary Conformal Field Theory and Entanglement Entropy in Two-Dimensional Quantum Lifshitz Critical Point
Boundary conformal field theory approach to the two-dimensional critical Ising model with a defect line
Boundary correlation function of fixed-to-free bcc operators in square-lattice Ising model
Boundary critical behavior at m-axial Lifshitz points for a boundary plane parallel to the modulation axes