$1/f$ noise and avalanche scaling in plastic deformation
$1/f$ noise in chemical reactions
$1/f^α$ fluctuations in a ricepile model
$1/f^α$ noise from self-organized critical models with uniform driving
$1/f^α$ Noise in Spectral Fluctuations of Quantum Systems
$N$-dependent Multiplicative-Noise Contributions in Finite $N$-unit Langevin Models: Augmented Moment Approach
$SU(2)/Z_2$ symmetry of the BKT transition and twisted boundary conditio n
$W$ : an alternative phenomenological coupling parameter for model systems
$^1$H-NMR Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate of IPACu(Cl$_{x}$Br$_{1-x}$)$_3$ with $x=0$ and 0.35
$^{63/65}$Cu- and $^{35/37}$Cl-NMR Studies of Triplet Localization in the Quantum Spin System NH$_4$CuCl$_3$
$κ$-generalization of Gauss' law of error
$κ$-generalization of Stirling approximation and multinominal coefficients