A mechanism for air induced fluidization in vibrated granular beds
A method for estimating the interactions in dissipative particle dynamics from particle trajectories
A Micro-mechanical Modelling of the Pressure Dependence of the Void Index of a Granular Assembly:
A microfluidic device based on droplet storage for screening solubility diagrams
A microfluidic device for investigating crystal nucleation kinetics
A micromechanical model of collapsing quicksand
A microscopic model for colloidal gels with directional effective interactions: Network induced glassy dynamics
A microscopic model for mixed surfactant vesicles
A Microscopic Model of Gemini Surfactants: Self-assemblies in Water and at Air-Water Interface
A microscopic theory of photonucleation: Density functional approach for the properties of a fluid of two-level atoms, a part of which is excited
A microscopic view of accelerated dynamics in deformed polymer glasses
A microscopically-based, global landscape perspective on slow dynamics in condensed matter
A Minimal Growth Equation For Conservative Non Equilibrium Growth From Vapor
A minimal model for chaotic shear banding in shear-thickening fluids
A Minimal Model for Vorticity and Gradient Banding in Complex Fluids
A minimizing principle for the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
A mode coupling theory for Brownian particles in homogeneous steady shear flow
A mode-coupling theory for the glassy dynamics of a diatomic probe molecule immersed in a simple liquid
A mode-coupling theory for the pasty rheology of soft glassy materials
A model colloidal fluid with competing interactions: bulk and interfacial properties