Wetting phenomenon in the liquid-vapor phase coexistence of a partially miscible Lennard-Jones binary mixture
Wetting, roughness and flow boundary conditions
Wetting, roughness and hydrodynamic slip
Wetting, Spreading, and Adsorption on Randomly Rough Surfaces
Wetting-induced budding of vesicles in contact with several aqueous phases
Wetting-induced effective interaction potential between spherical particles
What buoyancy really is. A Generalized Archimedes Principle for sedimentation and ultracentrifugation
What can we learn by squeezing a liquid
What constitutes a simple liquid?
What do emulsification failure and Bose-Einstein condensation have in common?
What drives amyloid molecules to assemble into oligomers and fibrils?
What drives the translocation of stiff chains?
What happened to the gas-liquid transition in the system of dipolar hard spheres?
What is in a pebble shape?
What is the Entanglement Length in a Polymer Melt ?
What is the origin of chirality in the cholesteric phase of virus suspensions ?
When a DNA Triple helix melts: An analog of the Efimov state
When Do Like Charges Attract?
When gel and glass meet: A mechanism for multistep relaxation
Where does a cohesive granular heap break?