Virial coefficients, thermodynamic properties, and fluid-fluid transition of nonadditive hard-sphere mixtures
Virial expansion for charged colloids and electrolytes
Virial series for fluids of hard hyperspheres in odd dimensions
Virtual surfaces, director domains and the Freedericksz transition in polymer stabilized nematic liquid crystals
Virus shapes and buckling transitions in spherical shells
Viscoelastic acoustic response of layered polymer films at fluid-solid interfaces: Continuum mechanics approach
Viscoelastic Effect on Hydrodynamic Relaxation in Polymer Solutions
Viscoelastic flow transitions in abrupt planar contractions
Viscoelastic fractures in stratified composite materials: "lenticular trumpet"
Viscoelastic Phase Separation in Shear Flow
Viscoelastic properties of attractive and repulsive colloidal glasses
Viscoelastic Properties of Dynamically Asymmetric Binary Fluids Under Shear Flow
Viscoelastic response of sonic band-gap materials
Viscoelastic shear banding in foam
Viscoelastic subdiffusion: from anomalous to normal
Viscoelastic Taylor-Couette instability of shear banded flow
Viscoelasticity and primitive path analysis of entangled polymer liquids: From f-actin to polyethylene
Viscoelasticity and shear flow of concentrated, non-crystallizing colloidal suspensions: Comparison with Mode-Coupling Theory
Viscoelasticity and Stokes-Einstein relation in repulsive and attractive colloidal glasses
Viscoelasticity from a Microscopic Model of Dislocation Dynamics