Proton channels
Pulling a polymer out of a potential well and the mechanical unzipping of DNA
Pulling adsorbed polymers from surfaces with the AFM: stick versus slip, peeling versus gliding
Pulling an adsorbed polymer chain off a solid surface
Pulling Hairpinned Polymers
Pulling hairpinned polynucleotide chains: Does base-pair stacking interaction matter?
Pulling Pinned Polymers and Unzipping DNA
Pulse propagation in a chain of o-rings with and without precompression
Pulse Propagation in Chains with Nonlinear Interactions
Pulse propagation in decorated granular chains: An analytical approach
Pulse propagation in discrete systems of coupled excitable cells
Pulse propagation in tapered granular chains: An analytic study
Pulsed Laser Polymerization at Low Conversions: Broadening and Chain Transfer Effects
Pulsed Quantum Tunneling with Matter Waves
Pulsed Raman output coupler for an atom laser
Pure Gas of Optically Trapped Molecules Created from Fermionic Atoms
Pushing off the walls: a mechanism of cell motility in confinement
Putting hydrodynamic interactions to work: tagged particle separation
Pyrophosphate Groups in Liquid Crystalline Phases of the DNA