Pair Wave Functions in Atomic Fermi Condensates
Pairing evidence of 8CB molecules adsorbed on MoS2: Influence of 2D commensurability on the intralamellar structure
Pairing in asymmetric two-component fermion matter
Paraboloidal Crystals
Paraelectric and ferroelectric order in two-state dipolar fluids
Parallel and Perpendicular Lamellae on Corrugated Surfaces
Parallel Excluded Volume Tempering for Polymer Melts
Parallel flow in Hele-Shaw cells with ferrofluids
Paramagnetic tunneling state concept of the low-temperature magnetic anomalies of multicomponent insulating glasses
Parameter exploration of optically trapped liquid aerosols
Parametric Equations of the Theory of Formation of Spherical Micelles
Parametric generation of second sound in superfluid helium: linear stability and nonlinear dynamics
Partial Clustering in Binary Two-Dimensional Colloidal Suspensions
Partial clustering prevents global crystallization in a binary 2D colloidal glass former
Partial rejuvenation of a colloidal glass
Partially Annealed Disorder and Collapse of Like-Charged Macroions
Particle Density Distributions in Fermi Gas Superfluids: Molecular Boson Effects
Particle dynamics and effective temperature of jammed granular matter in a slowly sheared 3D Couette cell
Particle dynamics in colloidal suspensions above and below the glass-liquid re-entrance transition
Particle kinematics in a dilute, 3-dimensional, vibration-fluidized granular medium