On the formation of caveolae and similar membrane invaginations
On the friction coefficient of straight-chain aggregates
On the Functional Integral Theory of Systems with Kinematical Interaction
On the Helix-Coil transition in grafted chains
On the Hypercube Structure of the Genetic Code
On the importance of hydrodynamic interactions in polyelectrolyte electrophoresis
On the influence of a patterned substrate on crystallization in suspensions of hard spheres
On the insights into phases of liquid water from study of its unusual glass-forming properties
On the interaction of NH($X^{3}Σ^{-}$) molecules with rubidium atoms: implications for sympathetic cooling and the formation of extremely polar molecules
On the internal photorelaxation mechanism of DNA
On the interplay between sedimentation and phase separation phenomena in two-dimensional colloidal fluids
On the Kinetic Behavior and Folding Properties of an Off-Lattice Heteropolymer Model
On the Limits of Analogy Between Self-Avoidance and Topology-Driven Swelling of Polymer Loops
On the location of the surface-attached globule phase in collapsing polymers
On the macroion virial contribution to the osmotic pressure in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions
On the mechanism of the flow of polymers
On the mechanism of the highly viscous flow
On the mechanisms of switching between two steady states of electroconductivity in plasticized transparent PVC films
On the microscopic foundation of dissipative particle dynamics
On the Microscopic Origin of Cholesteric Pitch