On the dependence of the leak-rate of seals on the skewness of the surface height probability distribution
On the different regimes of subaqueous transport
On the dissipative effects in the electron transport through conducting polymer nanofibers
On the Dynamics and Disentanglement in Thin and Two-Dimensional Polymer Films
On the effect of surfactant adsorption and viscosity change on apparent slip in hydrophobic microchannels
On the effect of temperature on the reentrant condensation in polyelectrolyte-liposome complexation
On the effect of the thermal gas component to the stability of vortices in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
On the effective charge of hydrophobic polyelectrolytes
On the effective one-component description of highly asymmetric hard-sphere binary fluid mixtures
On the elastic energy and stress correlation in the contact between elastic solids with randomly rough surfaces
On the electrical double layer contribution to the interfacial tension of protein crystals
On the Electronic Transport Mechanism in Conducting Polymer Nanofibers
On the equivalence of the freely cooling granular gas to the sticky gas
On the existence of helical structures during the collapse of flexible homopolymers: A Wang-Landau study
On The Existence of Roton Excitations in Bose Einstein Condensates: Signature of Proximity to a Mott Insulating Phase
On the Extension Behavior of Helicogenic Polypeptides
On the First Passage Time and Leapover Properties of Levy Motions
On the Flow Curve of Colloids Presenting Shear-Induced Phase Transitions
On the fluid-fluid phase separation in charged-stabilized colloidal suspensions
On the form of growing strings