Orientational transitions in symmetric diblock copolymers on rough surfaces
Orientationally ordered aggregates of stiff polyelectrolytes in the presence of multivalent salt
Orientations of the lamellar phase of block copolymer melts under oscillatory shear flow
Orienting Ion-Containing Block Copolymers Using AC Electric Field
Origin of Anomalous Diffusion and Non-Gaussian Effects for Hard Spheres: Analysis of Three-Time Correlations
Origin of attraction between likely charged hydrophobic and hydrophilic walls confining near-critical binary aquaeous mixture with ions
Origin of crack pattern in the deposition from drying colloidal suspension
Origin of long-ranged attraction between like-charged particles at water-air interface
Origin of Scaling Behavior of Protein Packing Density: A Sequential Monte Carlo Study of Compact Long Chain Polymers
Origin of the anomalous heat current in collisional granular fluids
Origin of the slow dynamics and the aging of a soft glass
Origin of the Sub-diffusive Behavior and Crossover From a Sub-diffusive to a Super-diffusive Dynamics Near a Biological Surface
Origin of translocation barriers for polyelectrolyte chains
Origins of Chevron Rollovers in Non-Two-State Protein Folding Kinetics
Orthogonality catastrophe and decoherence of a confined Bose-Einstein condensate at finite temperature
Oscillating Superfluidity of Bosons in Optical Lattices
Oscillations of a rapidly rotating annular Bose-Einstein condensate
Oscillations of atomic fermions in a one dimensional optical lattice
Oscillations of Bose-Einstein condensates with vortex lattices. II. Finite temperatures
Oscillations of Spherical and Cylindrical Shells