Many-body interactions and melting of colloidal crystals
Many-body solitons in a one-dimensional condensate of hard core bosons
Many-particle hydrodynamic interactions in parallel-wall geometry: Cartesian-representation method
Mapping atomistic to coarse-grained polymer models using automatic simplex optimization to fit structural properties
Mapping between long-time molecular and Brownian dynamics
Mapping dynamical heterogeneity in structural glasses to correlated fluctuations of the time variables
Mapping forces in 3D elastic assembly of grains
Mapping molecular models to continuum theories for partially miscible fluids
Mapping the energy landscape of biomolecules using single molecule force correlation spectroscopy (FCS): Theory and applications
Mapping the glassy dynamics of soft spheres onto hard-sphere behavior
Mapping vesicle shapes into the phase diagram: A comparison of experiment and theory
Marginal intermediate statistics in the excited spectra of E\otimes (b_1+b_2) Jahn-Teller systems
Master curves for the stress tensor invariants in stationary states of static granular beds. Implications for the thermodynamic phase space
Matched asymptotic solutions for the steady banded flow of the diffusive Johnson-Segalman model in various geometries
Materials of the round table ``Phase transitions and critical phenomena: past, present, and future"
Matter-wave interference, Josephson oscillation and its disruption in a Bose-Einstein condensate on an optical lattice
Matter-wave interferometry in periodic and quasi-periodic arrays
Maximally localized Wannier functions from PAW or ultrasoft pseudopotentials
Maximally Random Jamming of Two-Dimensional One-Component and Binary Hard Disc Fluids
Maximizing Entropy by Minimizing Area: Towards a New Principle of Self-Organization