Multiple Glasses in Asymmetric Binary Hard Spheres
Multiple light scattering in anisotropic random media
Multiple nonergodic disordered states in Laponite suspensions: a phase diagram
Multiple passages of light through an absorption inhomogeneity in optical imaging of turbid media
Multiple Scale Reorganization of Electrostatic Complexes of PolyStyrene Sulfonate and Lysozyme
Multiple scattering suppression in dynamic light scattering based on a digital camera detection scheme
Multiple stalk formation as a pathway of defect-induced membrane fusion
Multiple Time-Scale Behaviour and Network Dynamics in Liquid Methanol
Multiple-Relaxation-Time Lattice Boltzmann Approach to Compressible Flows with Flexible Specific-Heat Ratio and Prandtl Number
Multiple-scattering effects on incoherent neutron scattering in glasses and viscous liquids
Multiplicative cross-correlated noise induced escape rate from a metastable state
Multipolar expansion of the electrostatic interaction between charged colloids at interfaces
Multiscale Analysis of the Stress State in a Granular Slope in Transition to Failure
Multiscale entanglement in ring polymers under spherical confinement
Multiscale Modeling and Coarse Graining of Polymer Dynamics: Simulations Guided by Statistical Beyond-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Multiscale modeling and simulation for polymer melt flows between parallel plates
Multiscale Modeling of Binary Polymer Mixtures: Scale Bridging in the Athermal and Thermal Regime
Multiscale Modeling of Coarse-Grained Macromolecular Liquids
Multiscale modeling of polymers at interfaces
Multiscale Simulation of History Dependent Flow in Polymer Melt