Molecular formations in ultracold mixtures of interacting and noninteracting atomic gases
Molecular hydrodynamics of the moving contact line in two-phase immiscible flows
Molecular mode-coupling theory for supercooled liquids: Application to water
Molecular model for de Vries type smectic A - smectic C phase transition in liquid crystals
Molecular Modeling of Self-assembling Hybrid Materials (PhD Thesis)
Molecular motions in lipid bilayers studied by the neutron backscattering technique
Molecular Motors Interacting with Their Own Tracks
Molecular motors stiffen non-affine semiflexible polymer networks
Molecular reorientation in hydrogen-bonding liquids: through algebraic $\sim t^{-3/2}$ relaxation toward exponential decay
Molecular rolling friction: the cogwheel model
Molecular scale contact line hydrodynamics of immiscible flows
Molecular shape and flexoelectricity
Molecular Signatures in Hybrid Atomic/Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensates
Molecular simulation analysis of structural variations in lipoplexes
Molecular simulation and theory of a liquid crystalline disclination core
Molecular simulation of hierarchical structures in bent-core nematics
Molecular simulation of melting in tetracosane (C24H50) monolayers and bilayers on graphite
Molecular Simulations of Dewetting
Molecular structural order and anomalies in liquid silica
Molecular theory of elastic constants of liquid crystals. III. Application to smectic phases with tilted orientational order