Mixed scenario of the charged helium surface reconstruction
Mixed scenario of the charged liquid surface reconstruction
Mixed-isotope Bose-Einstein condensates in Rubidium
Mixing and segregation rates in sheared granular materials
Mixing effects for the structural relaxation in binary hard-sphere liquids
Mixing-demixing in a trapped degenerate fermion-fermion mixture
Mixtures of Charged Colloid and Neutral Polymer: Influence of Electrostatic Interactions on Demixing and Interfacial Tension
MMM2D: A fast and accurate summation method for electrostatic interactions in 2D slab geometries
Mobile Localization in nonlinear Schrodinger lattices
Mobility and Diffusion of a Tagged Particle in a Driven Colloidal Suspension
Mode Coupling and Dynamical Heterogeneity in Colloidal Gelation: A Simulation Study
Mode coupling behavior of a Lennard Jones binary mixture: a comparison between bulk and confined phases
Mode coupling theory for molecular liquids: What can we learn from a system of hard ellipsoids?
Mode excitation Monte Carlo simulations of mesoscopically large membranes
Mode expansion for the density profile of crystal-fluid interfaces: Hard spheres as a test case
Mode-coupling approach to non-Newtonian Hele-Shaw flow
Mode-Coupling Theory (MCT) Lecture Notes
Mode-Coupling Theory as a Mean-Field Description of the Glass Transition
Mode-coupling theory for structural and conformational dynamics of polymer melts
Mode-coupling theory for the slow collective dynamics of fluids adsorbed in disordered porous media