Liquid crystals boojum-colloids
Liquid Crystals in Electric Field
Liquid crystals in random porous media: Disorder is stronger in low--density aerosils
Liquid films with high surface modulus moving in tubes: dynamic wetting film and jumpy motion
Liquid friction on charged surfaces: from hydrodynamic slippage to electrokinetics
Liquid Front Profiles Affected by Entanglement-induced Slippage
Liquid Nanodroplets Spreading on Chemically Patterned Surfaces
Liquid nanofilms. A mechanical model for the disjoining pressure
Liquid polymorphism and density anomaly in a three-dimensional associating lattice gas
Liquid Polymorphism and Double Criticality in a Lattice Gas Model
Liquid polymorphism, density anomaly and H-bond disruption in an associating lattice gases
Liquid stability in a model for ortho-terphenyl
Liquid State Anomalies for the Stell-Hemmer Core-Softened Potential
Liquid-Crystal Smectic with Six-Layer Periodic Structure
Liquid-Crystal Transitions: A First Principles Multiscale Approach
Liquid-crystalline Casimir effect in the presence of a patterned substrate
Liquid-gas coexistence and critical point shifts in size-disperse fluids
Liquid-gas phase behavior of polydisperse dipolar hard-sphere fluid: Extended TPT-CF
Liquid-Gas phase transition in Bose-Einstein Condensates
Liquid-Gas phase transition in Bose-Einstein Condensates with time evolution