Crystal nucleation of colloidal hard dumbbells
Crystal Nucleation of Colloidal Suspensions under Shear
Crystal nucleation of hard spheres using molecular dynamics, umbrella sampling and forward flux sampling: A comparison of simulation techniques
Crystal nuclei and structural correlations in two-dimensional colloidal mixtures: experiment versus simulation
Crystal phases of two dimensional assembly of triblock Janus particles
Crystal potentials under invariant periodic boundary conditions at infinity
Crystal structures and freezing of dipolar fluids
Crystalline Assemblies and Densest Packings of a Family of Truncated Tetrahedra and the Role of Directional Entropic Forces
Crystalline multilayers of the confined Yukawa system
Crystalline Order on a Sphere and the Generalized Thomson Problem
Crystalline Order on Catenoidal Capillary Bridges
Crystalline Order On Riemannian Manifolds With Variable Gaussian Curvature And Boundary
Crystalline Particle Packings on a Sphere with Long Range Power Law Potentials
Crystallinity and Crystallographic Texture in Isotactic Polypropylene during Deformation and Heating
Crystallization and gelation in colloidal systems with short-ranged attractive interactions
Crystallization and phase-separation in non-additive binary hard-sphere mixtures
Crystallization in a dense suspension of self-propelled particles
Crystallization Kinetics of Colloidal Spheres under Stationary Shear Flow
Crystallization of a polymer on a surface
Crystallization of a quasi-two-dimensional granular fluid