Critical temperature for first-order phase transitions in confined systems
Critical Thickness in Dewetting Films
Critical Unmixing of Polymer Solutions
Critical velocity in cylindrical Bose-Einstein condensates
Critical Velocity of Superfluid Flow past Large Obstacles in Bose-Condensates
Critical Velocity of Vortex Nucleation in Rotating Superfluid 3He-A
Critical volume fraction and critical size for a cluster to nucleate
Critical wetting in power-law wedge geometries
Criticality and isostaticity in fiber networks
Criticality and phase separation in a two-dimensional binary colloidal fluid induced by the solvent critical behavior
Criticality in polar fluids
Criticality in strongly correlated fluids
Cross Correlators and Galilean Invariance in Fluctuating Ideal Gas Lattice Boltzmann Simulations
Cross-link governed dynamics of biopolymer networks
Cross-linked polymers in strain: Structure and anisotropic stress
Cross-linker unbinding and self-similarity in bundled cytoskeletal networks
Cross-over between first-order and critical wetting at the liquid-vapour interface of n-alkane/methanol mixtures: tricritical wetting and critical prewetting
Crosslinked biopolymer bundles: crosslink reversibility leads to cooperative binding/unbinding phenomena
Crosslinked networks of stiff filaments exhibit negative normal stress
Crosslinked polymer chains with excluded volume: A new class of branched polymers?