Breakdown of the Amontons' Law of Friction in Elastic Object with Friction Obeying Amontons' Law Locally
Breakdown of The Excess Entropy Scaling for the Systems with Thermodynamic Anomalies
Breakdown of the Kratky-Porod Wormlike Chain Model for Semiflexible Polymers in Two Dimensions
Breakdown of the mirror image symmetry in the optical absorption/emission spectra of oligo(para-phenylene)s
Breakdown of the Rosenfeld Excess Entropy Scaling Relations for the Core-Softened Systems: Thermodynamic Path Dependence
Breakdown of the Stokes-Einstein Relation in Supercooled Water
Breakdown of time-dependent mean-field theory for a one-dimensional condensate of impenetrable bosons
Breaking arches with vibrations: the role of defects
Breaking of scale-invariance symmetry in adsorption processes
Breakup of Air Bubbles in Water: Memory and Breakdown of Cylindrical Symmetry
Breakup of dense colloidal aggregates under hydrodynamic stresses
Bridge Hopping on Conducting Polymers in Solution
Bridge-mediated Donor-Acceptor Effective Coupling: Exact theoretical description
Bridges in Dry Granular Packings in Three Dimensions: Experiments and Simulations
Bridging the microscopic and the hydrodynamic in active filament solutions
Bridging the rheology of granular flows in three regimes
Brief Encounters. Binary Correlations among Bosons
Bright vortex solitons in Bose Condensates
Brillouin Scattering Study of Propylene Carbonate: An Evaluation of Phenomenological and Mode Coupling Analyses
Brittle Crack Roughness in Three-Dimensional Beam Lattices