Bubble kinematics in a sheared foam
Bubble kinetics in a steady-state column of aqueous foam
Bubble propagation in a helicoidal molecular chain
Bubble Raft Model for a Paraboloidal Crystal
Bubble Statistics and Dynamics in Double-Stranded DNA
Bubbles in sheared two-dimensional foams
Buckled in translation
Buckled nano rod - a two state system and its dynamics using system plus reservoir model
Buckling and competition of energy and entropy lead conformation of single-walled carbon nanocones
Buckling and force propagation along intracellular microtubules
Buckling instability for a charged and fluctuating semiflexible polymer
Buckling of rods with spontaneous twist and curvature
Buckling of semiflexible filaments under compression
Buckling of Spherical Capsules
Buckling of stiff polymer rings in weak spherical confinement
Buckling of swelling gels
Buckling patterns of complete spherical shells filled with an elastic medium under external pressure
Buckling Thin Disks and Ribbons with Non-Euclidean Metrics
Buckling transition and boundary layer in non-Euclidean plates
Buckling transition of nematic gels in confined geometry