Vertically extended Frenkel-Kontorova model: a real space renormalization group study
Vertically Graded Anisotropy in Co/Pd Multilayers
Vertically shaken column of spheres. Onset of fluidization
Very large Magneto-impedance and its scaling behavior in amorphous Fe73.5Nb3Cu1Si13.5B9 ribbon
Very large spontaneous electric polarization in BiFeO3 single crystals at room temperature and its evolution under cycling fields
Very low bias stress in n-type organic single crystal transistors
Very low effective Schottky barrier height for erbium disilicide contacts on n-Si through arsenic segregation
Viable thermionic emission from graphene-covered metals
Vibration of the Dimer on Ge(001) Surface Excited Coherently by STM Current
Vibration-induced inelastic effects in the electron transport through multisite molecular bridges
Vibrational abisotropy and quadrupole interactions of Fe substituted into Mn site of the charge and orbitally ordered and disordered layered manganites LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04O5 and LnBaMn1.96Fe0.04O6 (Ln=Y,Gd,Sm,La)
Vibrational and Thermal Properties of ZnX (X=Se, Te): Density Functional Theory (LDA and GGA) versus Experiment
Vibrational and thermodynamic properties of high-pressure phases in LiYF_4
Vibrational assignments and line shapes in inelastic tunnelling spectroscopy: H on Cu(100)
Vibrational Behavior of Metal Nanowires under Tensile Stress
Vibrational behaviour of a realistic amorphous-silicon model
Vibrational contribution to the thermodynamics of nanosized precipitates: vacancy-copper clusters in bcc-Fe
Vibrational density of states of silicon nanoparticles
Vibrational dynamics of solid poly(ethylene oxide)
Vibrational modes and lattice distortion of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond from first-principles calculations