Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of natural and isotopically substituted PbS
Temperature-dependent resistivity of ferromagnetic GaMnAs: Interplay between impurity scattering and many-body effects
Temperature-dependent transition from injection-limited to space-charge-limited current in metal-organic diodes
Temperature-driven evolution of hierarchical nanodomain structure in tetragonal-like BiFeO3 films
Temperature-driven phase transitions in SrBi$_2$Ta$_2$O$_9$ from first-principles calculations
Temperature-induced barium de-trapping from a double-well potential in Ba6Ge25
Temperature-induced reversal of magnetic interlayer exchange coupling
Temperature-induced screw dislocation core transformation and its effect on mobility in pure W
Template assisted self-assembly of individual and clusters of magnetic nanoparticles
Template-Directed Self-Assembly of Buried Nanowires and the Pearling Instability
Temporal evolution of mesoscopic structure of some non-Euclidean systems using a Monte Carlo model
Temporal Evolution of Step-Edge Fluctuations Under Electromigration Conditions
Temporal stimulated intersubband emission of photoexcited electrons
Ten-nanometer surface intrusions in room temperature silicon
Tensile strain induced changes in the optical spectra of SrTiO3 epitaxial thin films
Tensile testing of cylindrical multi-shell Cu nanowire
Tensor damping in metallic magnetic multilayers
Tensor product expansions for correlation in quantum many-body systems
Tensoresistive Effect in Single Crystal Microwires of Pbte Doped with Tl
Tensorial mobilities for accurate solution of transport problems in models with diffuse interfaces