Tamm floating electron in nanodiamond
Tantalum STJ for Photon Counting Detectors
Target bias voltage effect on properties of magnetic tunnel junctions by biased target ion beam deposition
Tayloring neutron optical performance of Fe/Si multilayers
Te covered Si(001): a variable surface reconstruction
Tearing Graphene Sheets From Adhesive Substrates Produces Tapered Nanoribbons
Technique for the Dry Transfer of Epitaxial Graphene onto Arbitrary Substrates
Technology ready use of single layer graphene as a transparent electrode for hybrid photovoltaic devices
Temperature and bias voltage dependence of Co/Pd multilayer-based magnetic tunnel junctions with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
Temperature and fluence dependence of ultrafast phase separation dynamics in Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 thin films
Temperature and frequency dependent optical properties of ultra-thin Au films
Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the elastic constants of Ni-Mn-Al magnetic Heusler alloys
Temperature and magnetic field dependent longitudinal spin relaxation in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond
Temperature and magnetization-dependent band-gap renormalization and optical many-body effects in diluted magnetic semiconductors
Temperature and particle size dependence of equilibrium order parameter of FePt
Temperature and Pressure Effects on Lattice Properties of Pure C60 Solid
Temperature and pressure evolution of the crystal structure of Ax(Fe1-ySe)2 (A = Cs, Rb, K) studied by synchrotron powder diffraction
Temperature and thickness evolution and epitaxial breakdown in highly-strained BiFeO3 thin films
Temperature Coefficients of the Raman Peaks for the Single-Layer and Bi-Layer Graphene
Temperature dependence of contact resistance of Au-Ti-Pd2Si-n+-Si ohmic contacts