The effect of a modulated flux on the growth of thin films
The effect of a weak ferromagnetic matrix on a system of nanomagnetic particles
The effect of annealing on the elastoplastic and viscoelastic responses of isotactic polypropylene
The effect of annealing on the elastoplastic response of isotactic polypropylene
The effect of annealing on the nonlinear viscoelastic response of isotactic polypropylene
The effect of anomalous adsorption of H2O and CO2 by pre-hydrated YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.53}
The effect of atomic-scale defects and dopants on graphene electronic structure
The effect of chemical disorder on the magnetic anisotropy of strained Fe-Co films
The effect of compressive strain on the Raman modes of the dry and hydrated BaCe0.8Y0.2O3 proton conductor
The Effect of Counterions on the Interactions of Charged Oligothiophenes
The effect of Cu substitution on the A1g mode of La(0.7)Sr(0.3)MnO3 manganites
The effect of Cu-doping on the magnetic and transport properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3
The effect of disorder on the fracture nucleation process
The Effect of dopants on magnetic properties of the ordered Fe_{65-x}Al_{35-y}M_{x,y} (M=Ga,B,V; x,y=5,10) alloys
The effect of electronic entropy on temperature peculiarities of the frequency characteristics of two interacting anharmonic vibrational modes in $β-$Zr
The effect of externally applied pressure on the magnetic behavior of Cu2Te2O5(BrxCl{1-x})2
The effect of Fe atoms on the adsorption of a W atom on W(100) surface
The effect of interstitial clusters and vacancies on the STM image of graphite
The effect of local dipole moments on the structure and lattice dynamics of K0.98Li0.02TaO3
The effect of low-energy ion-implantation on the electrical transport properties of Si-SiO2 MOSFETs