Raman and Infra-red properties and layer dependence of the phonon dispersions in multi-layered graphene
Raman and optical characterization of multilayer turbostratic graphene grown via chemical vapor deposition
Raman and x-ray diffraction investigations on BaMoO4 under high pressures
Raman Fingerprint of Charged Impurities in Graphene
Raman imaging of doping domains in graphene on SiO2
Raman Measurements and Stress Analysis in Gallium Ion Implanted Gallium Nitride Epitaxial Layers on Sapphire
Raman measurements in superconducting boron doped diamond
Raman Model Predicting Hardness of Covalent Crystals
Raman phonons as a probe of disorder, fluctuations and local structure in doped and undoped orthorhombic and rhombohedral manganites
Raman Scattering at Pure Graphene Zigzag Edges
Raman Scattering Characterization and Electron Phonon Coupling Strength for MeV implanted InP(111)
Raman scattering from the CaC6 superconductor in the presence of disorder
Raman scattering in C_{60} and C_{48}N_{12} aza-fullerene: First-principles study
Raman scattering investigation across the magnetic and MI transition in rare earth nickelate RNiO3 (R = Sm, Nd) thin films
Raman Scattering of Metals to Very High Pressures
Raman scattering of perovskite DyScO3 and GdScO3 single crystals
Raman scattering of perovskite SmScO3 and NdScO3 single crystals
Raman scattering study of delafossite magnetoelectric multiferroic compounds: CuFeO2 and CuCrO2
Raman scattering study of the a-GeTe structure and possible mechanism for the amorphous-to-crystal transition
Raman Scattering, Thermal studies and Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations of an Amorphous Ge$_{30}$Se$_{70}$ Alloy Produced by Mechanical Alloying