Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of dislocations in heteroepitaxial growth
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of electrodeposition: Crossover from continuous to instantaneous homogeneous nucleation within Avrami's law
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of oscillatory shape evolution for electromigration-driven islands
Kinetic Monte Carlo Study of Electrochemical Growth in a Heteroepitaxial System
Kinetic pinning and biological antifreezes
Kinetic roughening and phase ordering in the two-component growth model
Kinetic Self-Assembly of Metals on Co-polymer Templates
Kinetic stabilization of Fe film on (4 by 2)-GaAs(100)
Kinetic stabilization of Fe film on GaAs(100): An in situ x-ray reflectivity Study
Kinetic study of the oxide-assisted catalyst-free synthesis of silicon nitride nanowires
Kinetic theory of nucleation and coarsening
Kinetic theory of quantum transport at the nanoscale
Kinetic Theory of the Heat Capacity of Two-Level Systems
Kinetic Theory of the Overlapping Phase Transformations
Kinetically Inhibited Order in a Diamond-Lattice Antiferromagnet
Kinetically-controlled thin-film growth of layered $β$- and $γ-$Na$_{x}$CoO$_{2}$ cobaltate
Kinetics and thermodynamics across single-file pores: solute permeability and rectified osmosis
Kinetics and thermodynamics of carbon segregation and graphene growth on Ru(0001)
Kinetics of Bias stress and Bipolaron Formation in Poly(thiophene)
Kinetics of Charge Transport in Wide-Band Semiconductors at the Detection of X-Ray Radiation