CdZnTe:Cl crystals for X-ray computer tomography detectors
Cell Architecture for Nanoelectronic Design
Cell dynamics approach to the formation of metastable phases during phase transformation
Cell dynamics modeling of phase transformation and metastable phase formation
Cell Dynamics Simulation of Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Kinetics of Phase Transformation
Cell size distribution in a random tessellation of space governed by the Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model: Grain size distribution in crystallization
CeMnNi4: A soft ferromagnet with a high degree of transport spin polarization
CeMnNi4: an impostor half-metal
Center-of-Mass Properties of the Exciton in Quantum Wells
Centrosymmetric PbTe/CdTe quantum dots coherently embedded by epitaxial precipitation
Ceramics with metallic lustre decoration. A detailed knowledge of Islamic productions from 9th century until Renaissance
Chain Conformations and Photoluminescence in Poly(di-n-octylfluorene)
Chain-oxygen ordering in twin-free YBa2Cu3O6+x single crystals driven by 20 keV electron irradiation
Challenges in Truncating the Hierarchy of Time-Dependent Reduced Density Matrices Equations: Open Problems
Change in the microscopic diffusion mechanisms of boron implanted into silicon with increase in the annealing temperature
Change in the room temperature magnetic property of ZnO upon Mn doping
Changes in magnetic scattering anisotropy at a ferromagnetic/superconducting interface
Changes in the electrical transport of ZnO under visible light
Changes in the electronic structure and properties of graphene induced by molecular charge-transfer
Changes of Interatomic Force Constants Caused by Quantum Confinement Effects: Study on the Calculations for the First-order Raman Spectrum of Si Nanocrystals in Comparison with Experiments