Carrier-induced ferromagnetism in p-Zn1-xMnxTe
Carrier-induced refractive index change and optical absorption in wurtzite InN and GaN: Fullband approach
Carrier-mediated ferromagnetic ordering in Mn ion-implanted p+GaAs:C
Carrier-mediated magnetoelectricity in complex oxide heterostructures
Cartan's spiral staircase in physics and, in particular, in the gauge theory of dislocations
Cascades damage in α-iron with high damage energy
Casimir repulsion in moving media
Catalyst preparation for CMOS-compatible silicon nanowire synthesis
Catalyst-free selective area growth of InN nanocolumns by MBE
Catalytic effect of the spinel ferrite nanocrystals on the growth of carbon nanotubes
Cathodoluminescence and Selective Emission of Er3+ in Oxides
Cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy on a single multiwall boron nitride nanotube
Cation- and vacancy-ordering in Li_xCoO_2
Cationic exchange in nanosized ZnFe2O4 spinel revealed by experimental and simulated near-edge absorption structure
Cationic Ordering and Microstructural Effects in the Ferromagnetic Perovskite La0.5Ba0.5CoO3: Impact upon Magnetotransport Properties
Cauchy magnetic field component and magnitude distribution studied by the zero-field muon spin relaxation technique
Cavity Enhanced Faraday Rotation of Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Ca_25Co_22O_56(OH)_28: a layered misfit compound
CCD Thermoreflectance Thermography System: Methodology and Experimental Validation
Cd-vacancy and Cd-interstitial complexes in Si and Ge