Current-perpendicular-to-plane giant magnetoresistance of a spin valve using Co2MnSi Heusler alloy electrodes
Current-Voltage Characteristics of Graphane p-n Junctions
Current-voltage characteristics of graphene devices: interplay between Zener-Klein tunneling and defects
Curvature effect on the interaction between folded graphitic surface and silver clusters
Curvature Effects on Optical Response of Si nanocrystals in SiO2 having Interface Silicon Suboxides
Curvilinear coordinates for full-core atoms
Cutting and controlled modification of graphene with ion beams
CVD of CrO2 Thin Films: Influence of the Deposition Parameters on their Structural and Magnetic Properties
CVD of CrO2: towards a lower temperature deposition process
CVM studies on the atomic ordering in complex perovskite alloys
Cycloaddition Functionalizations to Preserve or Control the Conductance of Carbon Nanotubes
Cyclotron enhancement of tunneling
Cyclotron resonance and Faraday rotation in graphite
Cyclotron resonance and mass enhancement by electron correlation in KFe$_2$As$_2$
Cyclotron Resonance of Itinerant Holes in Ferromagnetic InMnAs/GaSb Heterostructures
Cylindrical coordinates representation for valence-band and Kane Hamiltonians for wurtzite and zinc-blende heterostructures