Current-Driven Switching in Magnetic Multilayer Nanopillars
Current-driven vortex domain wall dynamics by micromagnetic simulations
Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts
Current-driven vortex oscillations in metallic nanocontacts: Zero-field oscillations and training effects
Current-excited magnetization dynamics in narrow ferromagnetic wires
Current-induced domain wall motion with adiabatic spin torque only in cylindrical nanowires
Current-induced domain-wall motion in synthetic antiferromagnets
Current-Induced Dynamics in Almost Symmetric Magnetic Nanopillars
Current-induced electroresistance in Nd0.5Ca0.5Mn0.95Ni0.05O3
Current-induced exchange switching magnetic junctions with cubic anisotropy of the free layer
Current-Induced First-Order Transition in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
Current-induced magnetic vortex core switching in a Permalloy nanodisk
Current-induced magnetization reversal in a (Ga,Mn)As-based magnetic tunnel junction
Current-induced magnetization switching in MgO barrier based magnetic tunnel junctions with CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic ferrimagnetic free layer
Current-induced magnetization switching in MgO barrier magnetic tunnel junctions with CoFeB based synthetic ferrimagnetic free layers
Current-Induced Magnetization Switching in Permalloy-based Nanopillars with Cu, Ag, and Au
Current-induced motion of a domain wall in magnetic nanowires
Current-Induced Nanomagnet Dynamics for Magnetic Fields Perpendicular to the Sample Plane
Current-induced phase control in charged-ordered Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 and Pr0.6Ca0.4MnO3 crystals
Current-induced reversal in magnetic nanopillars passivated by silicon